Religion: Our students follow the Christ Light curriculum. They continue to develop their love for their Savior and discover ways to share God’s Word with others. Students study memory treasures each week and enjoy choosing hymns and songs to sing each day!
ELA (Reading, Writing, Word Work, Phonics): Our students follow the Superkids Reading Program. They will review and practice phonetic elements, spelling, structural analysis and grammar skills, and vocabulary. These skills are reinforced as children read stories in the Readers, authentic trade books, and informational text in the full-feature magazine, SUPER.
Math: Our students follow the Big Ideas Math curriculum. This rigorous, focused program dedicates lessons, activities, and assessments to grade-level standards while supporting and engaging students in the major work of the course. There is an intentional progression of content. Our students will build new understanding on foundations from prior grades and connect concepts throughout the course.
Social Studies: Our students follow the Second Grade Social Studies curriculum developed by Tara West. They study democracy and government, historical thinking, geography, cultures, and economics.
Science: Our students follow the Second Grade Science curriculum developed by Tara West. They explore God’s creation by digging into properties of matter, plant life, habitats, Earth’s systems, and weather and space.
Spanish: Our students explore this second language through a personal online Rosetta Stone account. They also have whole group lessons. They learn greetings, days of the week, months of the year, colors, numbers, classroom vocabulary, and common phrases.
Art: Our students follow the SRA Art Connections Level 2 curriculum. It is a comprehensive art program that integrates the four dimensions of art into every lesson. They study several art concepts such as: line and shape; space and form; color and value; movement and rhythm; balance, texture, and emphasis. Our students also participate in seasonal artwork.
Physical Education: Our students follow the OPEN curriculum. The modules in this program are designed to involve all children, be more active, incorporate social skills, and emphasize health-related fitness and skill development.
Technology: Our students follow the 2nd Grade Level Technology Curriculum developed by Brittany Washburn. From digital tool exploration, internet safety, software programs, typing skills, coding basics, to fostering research skills, students receive a robust, well-rounded tech education.