Welcome to Holy Cross Lutheran Church!
Holy Cross Lutheran Church has been deeply rooted in the Madison community for nearly 100 years, and it is the foundation for our grade school, our early learning center and the other ministries we offer.
The reason we exist is to teach about Jesus and His love for all people. That is The Holy Cross Way! Our prayer for those we minister to is that they come to know Jesus, share Him with others, and let His light shine through their lives.

What We Believe
Holy Cross Lutheran Church was founded by a small group of families in 1926 and now has about 750 members. Holy Cross has grown in size but our core beliefs remain the same.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church is first and foremost a Biblical church. We believe the Bible is the true Word of God that reveals Jesus’ love and His plan to save all people.

Worship With Us
There are four ways for you to worship at Holy Cross:
IN PERSON: Sundays at 8:30 a.m and 10:30 a.m. and Monday evenings at 6:30 p.m.
LIVESTREAM: Sundays at 8:30 a.m.
DIAL IN: Sundays at 8:30 a.m. (Call any time after 8:20 a.m.; dial 1 (978) 990-5164 followed by access code 6279900#)
ON DEMAND: View or listen to any of our past worship services.
Ways to Get Involved
An important part of The Holy Cross Way is providing opportunities for members of all ages to have fun, meet others and grow in their faith. Some of these opportunities include:
Bible Studies
Youth Activities
Opportunities for Fellowship and Service