Seventh Grade
Seventh Grade Curriculum
Catechism: Our students study the chief parts of Christian doctrine using Martin Luther’s Small Catechism, the Bible, and a weekly workbook that correlates with the chapters of the catechism. Pastor Bartels teaches the 7th graders this curriculum.
Religion: Students follow the “Growing in the Word” curriculum. They continue to develop their love for their Savior and discover ways to share God’s Word with others.
Memory Work: Each week, our students learn Bible passages and parts of the Catechism and recite or write those passages for their teacher.
Spanish: Students explore this second language through individualized lessons. They learn greetings, day of the week, months of the year, colors, numbers, classroom vocabulary, and common phrases. They do this by following along with a Rosetta Stone online curriculum.
Spelling: Students no longer take weekly Spelling tests. Instead, they find vocabulary in their reading of novels, essays, papers, etc and discover their meanings and origins while working with those words in their daily life.
English Language Arts: Our students develop their reading and essay writing skills using Lucy Calkins curriculum. We also study forensics, speech, and creative writing.
Math: Our students deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts through smaller, easily assimilated increments that are spread according to their skill level. We use Big Ideas curriculum.
Art: Our students learn about famous artists in our world’s history and current artists.Then, they mimic their styles of art in their own pieces. At the end of the year, students recreate a famous piece of art from any of the artists we studied.
U.S. History: Our students learn the first major events of our country: from its origin as British colonies through the American Revolution, through its early development as a nation to the events leading up to the Civil War, and finally through the Civil War itself as well as the Reconstruction that took place after the conclusion of the war. We use the text Creating America: Beginning to Reconstruction, published by McDougal Littell.
Science: Our students explore the workings of God’s creation by studying Physics and Chemistry. We use the McDougall Litell curriculum.
Music: Our students participate in handbell choirs and perform in church, chapel, and the Lakeside Fine Arts Fair, among other opportunities. Students also learn how to read music.
Physical Education: Our students learn skills for different sports and physical activities that promote a healthy life. A few of our units include volleyball, dancing, track and field, aerobics and more. In conjunction with these things, students learn sportsmanship, teamwork, and the benefits of physical activity.