Fifth Grade
Fifth Grade Curriculum
Handwriting: Our students continue practicing cursive lettering with use of Zaner-Bloser worksheets and progress to using regular lined notebook paper.
Memory Work: Our students memorize Bible passages related to the lessons they are studying in religion. They also memorize selected hymn verses.
Religion: Our students read from the Bible learn how each lesson applies to their lives. We use the Faith Foundations curriculum.
Literature: Our Students focus on integrating the arts to make a connection with the reading content. We use a novel lesson books-based curriculum.
Social Studies: Our students learn about Eastern and Western World Geography which presents materials and activities in a variety of ways. The 2019 text is published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 2019.
Spanish: Our students learn using Rosetta Stone on their Chromebooks. They’ll also practice saying common words with flashcards.
Spelling: Our students retain, internalize, and transfer valuable spelling knowledge for improved results in all areas of literacy in the classroom and beyond. We use Zaner-Bloser’s Spelling Connections 2022.
Language Arts/Writing: In Language Arts, our students develop their skills in grammar and writing. We use the Shurley Method curriculum.
Science: Our students learn science concepts and principles in a hands-on approach covering life science, earth science, and physical science wit the use of HSP Science textbook.
Math: Our students deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts through smaller, easily assimilated increments are spread across the year. They review and build connections to other “strands” every step of the way. We use the Big Ideas curriculum.
Art: Our students learn about various artists and their unique styles of art, and they undertake several projects of their own. They also learn that while God did not give everyone equal artistic abilities, all good efforts are God-pleasing.
Music: Our students learn both secular and religious songs and put into practice some of the fundamentals of music as they learn to play handbells.
Physical Education: Our students learn skills in several sports, including volleyball, cross-country, basketball, track and field, and softball, in conjunction with cooperative games that emphasize teamwork, problem-solving, and the importance of fair play.